Sunday, May 4, 2008

Vader Loves Babies Too

This morning I participated in the March of Dimes "March For Babies" in Kansas City. It's a great fundraiser for one of our ad agency's clients. It was amazing to see so many people gathered in downtown Kansas City. The Power & Light District was hopping. With so many people there helping to raise money I shouldn't have been surprised that there would be celebrity appearances. But I was amazed to find that Lord Vader had sent a few Imperial representatives to walk a mile in full uniform. Apparently he has a soft spot after all.

And word must have gotten out about supernatural activity in the area because the Ghostbusters were also in attendance.

1 comment:

Average Jane said...

If I'd had any inkling there'd be stormtroopers, Ghostbusters and Renfest folks, I'd have brought my camera, too!